Saturday, November 14, 2015

I guess some of my hottest showers are after my longest nights 
Why clean when so hazy
Why run when so caught 
Caught up somewhere feeling too crazy 

Not sure if the dark has tamed me more than the light 
We were okay in the dark. 
Now it's 6 a.m., And it isn't only my eyes having trouble trying to adjust to the light 

You fucking said I was lovely
You looked me in the eyes and said I was "lovely."
You loved my flaws, you never loved 
I don't know how to speak
I don't know how to love
Not the love you showed me
You showed me the acceptance of prevailing failure
I am not a failure 
And that is not lovely 
I want to ask questions but I never get answers 
I guess all my questions are now aimed to crickets 
At least they listen

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