Tuesday, November 10, 2015


We built the house on wood, “we would grow forever”
Maybe it was the earth that brought us together
yet the one to tear us apart
“Never let go of who you are,”
Honey you never had the least bit of a clue as to who the fuck you ever were
How were you ever suppose to acknowledge who I was?
Bring me down now, allow the truth to bring you down for a
I try recalling the feeling of happiness, genuine happiness
My mistake,
innocence does not work counterclockwise
Maybe it was your eyes that made me weak,
your touch what made me numb.
Bucket the blame on me, but guilt is much more consuming than pain can ever be
Pain heals. Your escape will always be an endless marathon.
I guess there is no true escape with torment

Maybe I should have stopped when you called it the house and not our house.

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