Saturday, November 21, 2015

Lullabies about the sea

Why is my cup of tea also what I take on the rocks?
I like how they both warm that place at the very bottom of my stomach
I hate how every morning I’m not sure which one to pick
I remember when I use to shower as I’d hum along to Lennon; attempting to make it out over the intense water pressure over my head
What do I prefer, Melodies or Melancholy?

Now my showers are where I stare
No, not the passionate stare when he admires her
The one where everything blurs out time, and time again.
the one where you don’t have to think about the tears
I know they still roll down as you repeat “Yes, I’m fine. I’m good.”
and then more tears are shed after the fact because the correlation between you and “being good,” has never felt this astray.
blank but  full.
why give a fuck when you know it does not matter
why give a fuck when you know you have all the answers, but life will still throw shit at you anyways
just because it can
No Elizabeth, criticism is not advice
and Romeo never loved Juliet.

Father use to tell me, if life gives you lemons, fuck it, make a mojito.
Mischief could either be your closest connection or a self constructed enemy

I still wanted the juice

Thursday, November 19, 2015


I can hand you the lock 
And key.
Even then you would be the one to lock yourself out.
I try searching for meaning, yet forget you have made the desert your daily destination 
I thought I knew your intentions behind your kiss, but guess none on your intentions in giving up.
Never knew the words "I love you," could be so empty when they use to make me so full.
I gave you my faith, but you made me give up on that as well.

Cheers on all that you have shared.


Sunday, November 15, 2015

My Mojito

You remind me of Sunday nights
How you wait for things to fall together right before they can fall apart 
I can feel your eyes pursue my emotion
Yet your heart never searches for even a pulse of devotion 
Fixing puzzles may cure problems at hand 
But these scattered little pieces soon become inescapable quicksand 
Your piercing eyes seep through my soul 
Don't begin to be the one to hide your own glow 
I want to give him the world and travel the land 
Yet the most magic I know is found in those hands 
Yes, his touch is extremely kind but nothing compared to what is held in his mind 
Turn the lights off while you turn my mind on
Not sure what I love more 
his smile or his songs 

Saturday, November 14, 2015

I guess some of my hottest showers are after my longest nights 
Why clean when so hazy
Why run when so caught 
Caught up somewhere feeling too crazy 

Not sure if the dark has tamed me more than the light 
We were okay in the dark. 
Now it's 6 a.m., And it isn't only my eyes having trouble trying to adjust to the light 

You fucking said I was lovely
You looked me in the eyes and said I was "lovely."
You loved my flaws, you never loved 
I don't know how to speak
I don't know how to love
Not the love you showed me
You showed me the acceptance of prevailing failure
I am not a failure 
And that is not lovely 
I want to ask questions but I never get answers 
I guess all my questions are now aimed to crickets 
At least they listen

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


We built the house on wood, “we would grow forever”
Maybe it was the earth that brought us together
yet the one to tear us apart
“Never let go of who you are,”
Honey you never had the least bit of a clue as to who the fuck you ever were
How were you ever suppose to acknowledge who I was?
Bring me down now, allow the truth to bring you down for a
I try recalling the feeling of happiness, genuine happiness
My mistake,
innocence does not work counterclockwise
Maybe it was your eyes that made me weak,
your touch what made me numb.
Bucket the blame on me, but guilt is much more consuming than pain can ever be
Pain heals. Your escape will always be an endless marathon.
I guess there is no true escape with torment

Maybe I should have stopped when you called it the house and not our house.