Saturday, August 29, 2015

Chapter 2

With you I forget
Not of sorrow, or regret
But more of how you let my mind sing the same melody that use to be its lullaby
Over the wine and long talks, I fetch your cigarette

You take my heart and tell it to fall
And it wants to so badly but also remembers so clearly what it was like to crawl
I can feel when your eyes look at me in awe
Holy shit when love starts to kindle its so hard to stall

I know old pieces could not be put back in place
But so crazy how one man ended that chase
I now wonder why I tried so hard for these pieces not to be erased
The thing with sadness is it demands attention
But now I could see all the bad that was blinding my taste

As I feel your fingers pass over each rib on my side
I can feel my body aching for yours to come closer to mine
Sometimes this feeling makes me euphoric, and others it makes me want to hide
But you whisper in my ear and tell me it’s only the beginning of the ride 


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