Monday, May 11, 2015

Unrecognized Reflections

He was never the type of guy to higher the volume of the radio because you were previously humming the lyrics under your voice. 
I guess her unrecognized smile had become his greatest possession 

He was never the kind to order dessert even after you said not to
I guess he held the key to the golden gate that my father told me would always guard my heart

Why was weakness so friendly
Why did I let her lure me in with her ever so unrecognized, cunning smile 

Why are those the only types of smiles I now found myself surrounded by 

He was never the type to stop in between the beautiful instances that Hemingway and Frost left for us to discover in a part of their scattered literature that seemed to cover my bedroom floor. 
Yet all that beauty that seemed to light my path, was nothing but worthless gravel he stepped right over.

He was never the type to say he missed your smell over 2 a.m. phone calls

I guess there was a frolicking echo that appeared somewhere in between his confusion and knowledge 
But he had already ignited the silence between my ever so distant body and soul 
