And there's this boy I love
The one known for being next door
He enchants with his words
Yet takes my breath away in his silence
He knows the others are as timid as his perceived unapparent flaws
In return his speech pushes past all regularly accepted laws
And there's this boy I love
The one known for having it all
They whisper of his appearance
And want to know the stories of how his eyes have seen it all
We giggle and smirk, just as the fools
Yet they nod indefinitely, for he knows he has set the rules
And there's this boy I love
His words say he's conquered it all
And his lover by his side, confirming the confidence in the art of his law
as he runs through the labyrinth we know as his head
I want to be in there, found standing on the outskirts instead
His smile humble, eyes more intense than a bull
For, love beautifully; that was his rule
I love the beauty you preach in your word
It's everyday this beast is found running against the herd
His heart beats as fast as his eyes
I would tell him to feel something, he'd still find something to despise
Maybe in your labyrinth there will become awareness of the others
But it's too often he confidently lists his lovers
No wonder I choose rather to be an admirer than a lover
The outskirts don't compare to the constant recover
What's better beauty or pain?
You make me feel both
So I guess I'll choose insane.